EMBA T711: Statistics for Analytics

Chapter Comments and Web Links (2022)


Pre-residency: July 11 to September 17

Residency: September 18 to 30

Post-residency: October 1 to November 25


July 11 (M), 12 noon: One-hour meeting with the class (all Module 1 instructors) on Zoom

July 18 (M), 5-6 p.m.: One-hour meeting with Dr. Parlar to discuss the course content and the installation of R/Rcmdr and corrplot on Zoom


Class schedule (tentative) is on your Google/Outlook calendar as follows:


Class 1 (Pre-residency) : August 25 (Th), 5-9 p.m.

Class 2: September 19 (M), 1-4 p.m.

Class 3: September 21 (W), 9-12 a.m.

Class 4: September 27 (T), 1-4 p.m.

Class 5: September 28 (W), 1-4 p.m.




Mahmut Parlar [Home page]


Permanent Office: DSB-425

Temporary RJC Office while teaching RJC-???


(DeGroote School of Business, McMaster University, Canada)


Cellphone use policy


But, the dancers in the Major Lazer / Nicki Minaj video look cool checking their cellphones



We will start the course by justifying the use of R and Rcmdr in business analytics. The following sessions will cover details of the most important topics.


Why R, and R Commander?


I. Basics. R functions for basic statistical models with Rcmdr


II. Regression. R functions for multiple regression and its ramifications











The material below will not be discussed in the EMBA class.


Session 3. Hierarchical and k-means cluster analysis with R