BUSADMIN L611: Foundations 1
MODULE ONE-ANALYSIS (September 11-14, 2017)
Data Analytics / Statistics


Mahmut Parlar [Home page]


(DeGroote School of Business, McMaster University, Canada)


Cellphone use policy

But, the dancers in the Major Lazer / Nicki Minaj video look cool checking their cellphones


Schedule (Tentative)


We will start the workshop by justifying the use of R and Rcmdr in business analytics. The following three sessions will cover details of the most important topics.




Why R and R Commander?


Session Topics. Installations, introduction to R and R Commander (Rcmdr) and R functions for basic statistical models



















Note: The material below will not be used in the MBA Foundation module.


Session 2. R functions for multiple regression and its ramifications


Session 3. Hierarchical and k-means cluster analysis with R